Engineering Services

We offer a broad range of reservoir engineering services vectored towards improving cost effectiveness for your operation.  Our project plans are customized to deliver a solution to a particular problem, or can be scaled up to a comprehensive reservoir evaluation.

 - Reservoir characterization
 - Estimation of hydrocarbons in place
 - Production forecasting from type curves and decline analysis
 - Deliverability modeling (new drills, recompletions, stimulation)
 - Well configuration for strategic depletion
 - Improved oil recovery (IOR) technology applications
 - Primary, secondary, and EOR performance analysis
 - Field conceptualization and development planning
 - Technical feasibility, commercialization, and profitability studies
 - Property appraisals for acquisition/divestment potential
 - Operational surveillance and interpretation
 - Flow assurance by stimulation, water management
 - Reserve additions from behind-pipe pay and bypassed pay
 - Scenario development for upside opportunities
 - Economics  
- Reservoir Management
- Production management and optimization
- Well completions and lift systems
- Well design and drilling
